Purely Pets

Otaxium Drops: For Ear Inflammation and Ear Mites

Otaxium Drops: For Ear Inflammation and Ear Mites


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Treatment for ear mites, infection and yeast.
Manufacturer: Amber Naturalz


Ear drops for use in the reduction and elimination of ear inflammation, to include tenderness, and ear mites.

For Dog Ear Mite Treatment and Cat Ear Mite Treatment

Amber Technology OTAXIUM DROPS ™ is formulated with a powerful combination of herbs designed to help relieve the pain & pressure in the ear caused by infection (Otitis).

Acute otitis media is the common name for an infection of the middle ear, which is characterized by the presence of bacteria & accompanied by edema, mucous, & perhaps blood, and is associated with pain & other constitutional symptoms such as fever.

The middle ear contains the boney ossicles critical to the sense of hearing. Trapped mucous can have serious consequences, such as superinfection & chronic otitis media. In turn, grave consequences such as sinus infection, meningitis, & meningo-encephalitis may occur, the later having a high mortality rate.

Treated or untreated ear infections can cause a temporary hearing deficit that may become permanent. During development, hearing deficits associated with ear infection are known to cause serious hearing imparities.

Symptoms of an ear infection: The pet shakes the head and scratches the ears trying to get the debris and fluid out. The ears often become red and inflamed and develop an offensive odor. A black or yellowish discharge commonly occurs and fever may also accompany the infection.

Do not mistake an ear infection for ear mites. Signs of mites might include
reddish-brown or black waxy buildup inside the ears or your pet may start to scratch when you gently rub the ear flap against the ear.

Ingredients: Olive Leaf, Yarrow, Mullein, Onion, White Willow Bark, Garlic, Yucca Root, Distilled Water

Directions:  4 times daily for 10 days or as needed. Carefully apply 3 – 7 drops into the affected ear while the head is partially tilted away from the side of the infection in a sitting position. Repeat every 4 – 6 hours. Not for internal use.

Warning:  Keep out of the reach of children. This product must not be given with foreign objects placed in the ear, such as Eustachian implants or tubes.  This product must not be given if the inner ear is swollen or if there is evidence of blood without the guidance of a veterinarian.  As noted with any product, one can experience an allergic reaction, which may manifest as  skin redness, hives, swelling around the eyes and serious breathing problems. Discontinue use if one is experiencing any adverse symptoms.

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Otaxium Drops 1 oz.


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